Natural Remedies For Psoriasis

If you are suffering from psoriasis perhaps you are wondering how you can naturally treat this condition. While commercially available treatments have their place, you may also want to try out some simple at home remedies that will assist you in getting relief when you have a flare up. The following are some of the best natural remedies available for treating psoriasis.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Applying apple cider to inflamed areas is great for healing outbreaks of psoriasis. You should soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and apply it to the affected area of the skin. However, take care not to use this remedy if you have cracked or bleeding skin.

Olive Oil

One of nature's most powerful healers and soothers it should be no surprise that olive oil can soothe and heal skin that is suffering from psoriasis. Warm some olive oil and gently run it on the affected areas of the skin. The oil will soften any scaly patches. If you are having a psoriasis outbreak on your scalp, then an olive oil treatment will work wonders for the inflamed area. Simply, apply the olive oil to your scalp and gently massage it in. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. The olive oil will remove any dried skin that may be on the scalp.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil also has anti-inflammatory properties and can be rubbed into your psoriasis patches several times per day. You can also combine it with olive oil if you choose. Using this remedy several times per day is effective for softening psoriasis plaques.

Aloe Vera

This plant is one of nature's most potent healers. Aloe Vera is filled with anti-inflammatory agents that heal the skin and soothe psoriasis breakouts.  Rub the gel into psoriasis patches at least two times per day and watch as this powerful healer starts to reduce the inflammation in the scaly patches. You should try to grow this plant for yourself if you can, to ensure that you always have the gel on hand. If this is not possible you can buy the gel, just make sure you that there are no preservatives in the gel.

Psoriasis can be difficult to deal with, however, if you incorporate the use of natural remedies then you are sure to find great relief. You may find that one of the treatments above works better than others, this is natural, just remember to do what works for you. Check out sites like for more information.

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About Me

Seeking Skin Treatment I have never been one of those people who has naturally clear, gorgeous skin, which is probably why I have tried every remedy in the book. However, a few months ago, I realized that all of my DIY remedies were pointless unless I started working with a dermatologist. I began talking with different medical professionals about how to fix things, and they were really helpful in ways that I didn't expect. They showed me why my different DIY treatments weren't working, and they offered helpful solutions to fix the issue. It was really neat to see how great they were to work with. Read more on this website!




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